2s, f/4.0, ISO 800, 24mm
Yesterday I got the chance to check out a rooftop in the Nyboder neighborhood in central Copenhagen. What a treat. I'm always excited at the chance of getting to the top of buildings--especially in the center of a city. The views usually reveal something interesting that you won't experience from just walking the streets. This time I got to see a multicolored, magnificently-lit courtyard. A sort of behind-the-scenes-look. And it got me thinking of Dan Turèll's old poem "Behind Every Single Window" (”Bag hvert eneste vindue"). Here's an excerpt:
"…You walk down through a long street
Yesterday I got the chance to check out a rooftop in the Nyboder neighborhood in central Copenhagen. What a treat. I'm always excited at the chance of getting to the top of buildings--especially in the center of a city. The views usually reveal something interesting that you won't experience from just walking the streets. This time I got to see a multicolored, magnificently-lit courtyard. A sort of behind-the-scenes-look. And it got me thinking of Dan Turèll's old poem "Behind Every Single Window" (”Bag hvert eneste vindue"). Here's an excerpt:
"…You walk down through a long street
which you know or maybe don't know
in your own city or an unknown one
and you raise your eyes and look at those thousands
of shining lit-up windows
and you know that behind every single window people live
and that simple thought everytime is so new and strange"
behind every single window people live
people with real live problems
as concrete as a fist in the kisser
behind every single window men and women are breathing
easy or with trouble
each in his own rhythm..."
behind every single window people live
people with real live problems
as concrete as a fist in the kisser
behind every single window men and women are breathing
easy or with trouble
each in his own rhythm..."
Dan Turèll, (1979)
Very cool. I like the soft colors here. Happy new year.