Here's a more exciting view of the Hong Kong skyline. This time from Kam Shan Country Park (near Monkey Mountain) on the outskirts of Kowloon. The contrasts make this photo much more interesting than the one below: new vs. old, nature vs. city, and so on.
I cheated a bit in trying to get the exposure right in this shot. I took the photo in the late afternoon when the sky was still very bright. Ideally, I would have used a tripod, bracketed my exposures and then created a high dynamic range (HDR) image. Instead, I simply selected the green foreground in Photoshop and made it brighter--worked ok, I think.
This is a great situation for HDR. The result is very well exposed but also very real looking. I like the contrast between the shanty in the foreground and the high-rises in the background. Nice shot!