I brought my GF1 and the 40mm 1.7 pancake lens down to the Kowloon harbor front yesterday. It's not the ideal camera and lens combo for a night time skyline shot--and certainly not so without a tripod. I found a sign I could use for support and shot the photo at 0.4 second with the apature at f/4.0 and ISO at 400. The outcome was decent: a pretty sharp image with a nice amount of detail.
The problem with skyline shots like these is that it's much harder to add creativity to the process. Unless you can catch some lightening, fireworks or something unusual, your photo is going to look a lot like everyone else's.
I would love to hear what people do to make regular tourist shots more interesting. Feel free to share in the comments.
Great photo. When I was in Hong Kong, I took dozens of this scene. And you're right, mine look a lot like this (but that's not a bad thing, its a great shot).